Stanley Oulo, Diploma in Business Creation and Entrepreneurship

Winning through action is greater than through words

Waking up with the birds is not a challenge and sleeping in is not an option. I have nurtured this habit over time, and I prefer to keep it that way. Currently, by 8am I have turned a few pages on my engaging read “48 powers of law” by Robert Greene”. This acts as a warm-up prior to my scheduled online classes which begin at 9am.  

I have seen how Strathmore University delivers on its promise through my older sister.  As a result, I chose to embark on my own Strathmore journey because both opportunity and resources were available. I looks forward to visiting the campus when the time comes so I can enjoy the facilities and relax on the breeze that echoes through the institution as I catch up with my classmates and friends.

I hope to be a household name that is respected beyond my imagination. When I am not studying, I am daring to create a sugar cane sauce for the retail market. The ball is always in our court and every single challenge we face is our opponent in the game of life. I appreciate the space that I have to sprout my potential because there are infinite possibilities. Life is a one-time gift.  We must be at our very best when working on the goals and objectives we set for ourselves.  If you are in good health, determined and aspire for greatness then no challenge can ever throw you off.


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